Sunday, February 20, 2011

March 2011 Suggestion Box

Dana was my cashier today. He was very meticulous with the bagging. He was friendly and professional. What a treat! – Mercedes

Thank you for your kind comments. We are certainly lucky to have Dana be part of the Front End Team. Annie H, Front End Manager

Gluten-free lasagna noodles, please!!! Anonymous

They are located on the bottom shelf in the pasta section of aisle one. We have two brands of rice lasagna noodles to choose from. Julie, Grocery Buyer

For the second time after I’ve identified a product that you sell cheaper than other stores YOU TURN AROUND AND JACK THE PRICE WTF - Eric

We set our prices by what we pay for products. Oftentimes we can offer lower prices on items, but when the manufacturer raises their prices, it necessitates that we follow suit to stay in business. Joan, Grocery Manager

Please resume carrying Green & Black Cocoa for baking – the powdered kind. It makes the best hot chocolate & baked goods. G&B Chocolate has a varietal taste like coffee beans or wine. Jaqueline

That product is located in the baking section of aisle two. We too enjoy it and plan to continue carrying it. Julie

Katie gave me excellent customer service. – Sridurga
Thank you for the comment. I too am proud of the Front End Team and Katie in particular. Annie H

Please always have at least one brand of org. coffee on sale. This has been the case until recently. Anonymous

When our sales specials went to a twice monthly cycle, the Equal Exchange coffee was affected by this change. We have worked with them and will happily be able to offer one EE coffee at a sale price every month. Seth, Bulk Buyer

I would like to know if you would go back to carrying (1) Israeli paprika (it is fabulous) (2) mayonnaise with wasabi (I bought some about a month ago and now there is none!!) Cynthia

The Israeli paprika is available in the spice jars in the bulk department. Unfortunately the wasabi mayonnaise was discontinued by the manufacturer. Julie

Can you carry “Cravens” brand gluten free products. They are the best I have ever eaten. Thanks. – Polly

We now carry 3 varieties of The Craving Place gluten free baking products in the baking section. We hope these suit your needs. Julie

Need more de-caf coffee choices. Ernest

We offer 5 varieties of de-caf coffee from 4 different roasters. Is there a blend in particular that you are looking for that we don’t carry? Seth, Bulk Buyer

I was just wondering if you could sell the Reeds ginger chews that the deli gives with your fantastic sandwiches? The ginger chews you can buy in bulk hold no contest to the Reeds! Thanks so much. Kenzie

Thank you for bringing this to our attention. The Reeds ginger chews are now available in the bulk bin. Seth


  1. 1. I'm wondering why it's taken me so long to figure out where to post a suggestion navigating from the Co-Op Website. Can you somehow simplify this?
    2. Now the suggestion/request: Could the bakery folks please post ingredients on the bakery case for their GF baked goods to help individuals avoid allergens? I have a few allergies in addition to wheat, and I always have to ask someone what's in the muffins/scones, and he/she inevitably has to ask someone, and so on. The staff is very friendly and helpful, but I'd feel more confident about having one of your lovely baked treats if I could see the ingredient list myself. Thanks!

  2. Please, please, please look into carrying Sprecher soda products. In particular "Orange Dream." That would make my year.

  3. I have recently discovered "Dave's Killer Bread" and it is easily the tastiest sandwich bread I've ever had. Those I've introduced it to agree. We'd LOVE to see it at the Co-op - with perhaps a greater variety than can be found elsewhere. Thanks!

  4. Why is the co-op running a 'no plastic' campaign when there is still a lot of plastic used around the store? I'm specifically thinking of the deli with all those plastic disposable containers, drink cups and sample cups. Practice what you preach people!

  5. Thanks for the comments!

    1. We will be adding an email address link to our website for suggestion box comments to make it easier to submit suggestions from the web. As soon as we figure out who these emails will go to, we'll get it posted.
    2. I've forwarded your request about ingredient lists to the kitchen.

    I've forwarded the request for Sprecher soda products to the grocery department, along with the request for Dave's Killer Bread.

    Mmm... we're not preachers, last I checked. The Bag It Campaign is not a "no-plastic" campaign - it is a consumer awareness effort designed to encourage customers and members to figure out ways to replace disposable plastics with non-disposable alternatives in their daily lives. From an ethical/sustainable business standpoint, it would sure be nice if there was no consumer demand for disposable packaging. The store has long struggled with the issue of packaging, and has a practice of avoiding unnecessary packaging whenever possible, and has tried many things to reduce our use of plastic with varying degrees of success. Fortunately, just recently we found a source of biodegradable sample cups which I hope you've noticed.

    The beauty of a cooperative is that everyone's opinion is valued, and we know that sometimes the best ideas come from customers. We'd love to hear your ideas for exactly how the deli can still serve members in the way they demand, while eliminating the plastic. In the meantime, I've forwarded your comment to the deli. Thanks!
